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Im now a Developer Champion!

6th November 2023

Just a short one this month as I have been working super hard with the team on the mobile port of our game BattleTabs. But as this is a personal blog I thought I would share something I think is quite cool.

I have recently really been into the back-end platform writing this review on it back in August: then entering the WebDevCody competition and coming third in this post:

So when Convex reached out to me a few weeks ago to let me know they were starting a brand new Developer Champion program and would like to invite me to be a part of it I was super excited and signed up immediately.

What are the benefits?

From the Convex docs on the topic:

  • Consistent and transparent AMA with leadership
  • Exclusive Convex Champion Swag (coming soon)
  • Individual Stack feature: Case study, profile or project feature
  • Profile featured on a new champions page on
  • Sponsored trips to conferences if your presentation about Convex is accepted
  • Complimentary Professional Plan for one team.
    • $0/month, in perpetuity
    • Up to five team members
    • Not for resale or transfer.
    • Includes only built-in monthly Professional resource limits.

Pretty cool!

Whats involved?

Straight from Convex's docs on the topic:

  • Creating blog posts or videos about Convex
  • Attending meetups or conferences to give talks about Convex
  • Promoting Convex, only if relevant
  • Helping users be successful in the Discord

So what does it mean for me? Not much! Im still going to be focusing 99.9% of my time on Gangbusters but should I decide I want to start giving more talks its awesome that the program is there to help sponsor me if I were to give a Convex talk.

Ill still be writing blog posts on whatever interests me so theres no obligation there.

I really enjoy the power and speed of building things with Convex so no doubt you will be hearing a lot more about Convex powered projects on this blog, stay tuned!