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Drastically Speed Up Your Local Postgres Tests

26th December 2020

We were suffering from slow integration tests on our server when I discovered something that sped up performance by 15 times!


Set fsync=off in your postgres config.

The Problem

For our game BattleTabs run a custom sockets based API server. To ensure that the server is working as intended I like to write integration tests that hit the database. This gives a good level of confidence that calling that endpoint from the game client is going to work as expected.

The issue is that the tests were taking quite a while to run:

I narrowed the issue down to where most of the time was being spent:

We must truncate the database before each test runs so that there is no state from the previous test that can affect the results. The problem is that this truncate seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time.

The Solution

After some googling I came across this post which seemed to suggest that there was a magical config value fsync that I could disable which would speed things up.

So I set fsync=false in my postgres config and restarted my docker container and..

Wow! Thats a 15x speedup! Incredible.

So whats the downside? Well fsync ensures that changes are written (synced) to disk when Postgres makes a transaction. So by disabling it you are disabling protection from crashes power-cuts and whatnot so its definitely not recommended in production but when running tests we dont really care about data integrity so its safe to disable it.

Github Actions

I wondered if it was possible to apply this sort of speedup to the CI which runs all the integration tests on each push.

To cut a long story short it appears you cant supply config params to the standard postgres image while running in Github Actions but fortunately we can use another postgres image from Bitnami which does let us disable fsync.

jobs: test-and-build-pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest services: postgres: image: "bitnami/postgresql:latest" env: POSTGRESQL_DATABASE: postgres POSTGRESQL_USERNAME: postgres POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD: postgres POSTGRESQL_FSYNC: "off" options: >- --health-cmd "pg_isready -d postgres -U postgres -p 5432" --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5 ports: - 5432:5432

The result is a speedup of 3x, not quite as dramatic as the local speedup (probably because im running postgres in a linux docker container on windows locally and Github is running it on linux) but an impressive performance boost nonetheless!