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Camping Oz 2017 - West Kimberly

11th May 2017

Wow, its been a while since I have written an update but so much has been going on I have struggled to find the time!

After a long hot and dusty trip from Millstream we finally arrived at 80 mile beach caravan park which was absolutely packed out due to it being Easter.

eighty mile low tideeighty mile low tide

AU0030 - Eighty Mile Low Tide

We only had a coupple of hot nights there exploring some of the long (very long) sandy beach before we hightailed it out of there to our much anticipated destination of Broome where Kelsie's Brother and his wife Emily lives.

We have been to Broome before but we were so glad to arrive and unpack and unwind and have some creature comforts once again (forgot how much I missed ice on demand!).

While were were there we went out on a few drone photography trips and I took many many shots.

Gantheaume point printGantheaume point print

AU0032 - Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume point rocks printGantheaume point rocks print

AU0034 - Gantheaume Point Rocks

I really enjoyed having the comfort and time to spend really improving how the images I took around the place looked, perhaps if people are interested I may blog about some things I learnt in the future.

AU0033 - Gantheaume Point Dark Side

We took a trip out to James Price point one day which is about an hour and a half north of Broome along a sandy-dusty track until we reached the sea and spectacular red sandstone cliffs and stunning blue water.

AU0039 - James Price Point Fire Wave - Vertical

The sandstone here is getting worn away by the torrential rains they get leaving these incredible cracks, that can only truly be appreciated from the air.

AU0040 - James Price Point Crumbles Away

While at Broome we took a few days to go north to Cape Leveque and stay on the cliffs just below the lighthouse. It was yet another perfect opportunity for some stunning drone photography.

AU0041 - Cape Leveque Diagonol

AU0043 - Cape Leveque at Sunset

AU0044 - Cape Leveque Lighthouse

AU0045 - Cape Leveque Painted Rocks

We spent two nights at the cape and one night at Middle Lagoon before heading back to Broome. Middle Lagoon was nice but had some of the most numerous and aggressive clouds of Mosquitoes that I have ever encountered. They were literally swarming around us and biting through our clothes.

At night we also had this rather unwelcome visitor sneak into our trailer which I wasn't too impressed about seeings as he was extremely fast and had a tendency to jump about the place.

scary spiderscary spider

Im not ashamed to say that it was Kelsie who was the one that showed it the door.

We spent another week or so at the lovely Broome. Just enough time for one drone photographing more trip out to Willie Creek and its famous Pearl Farm.

AU0048 - Willie Creek Pearl Farm

AU0050 - Willie Creek Standout

The tides are seriously impressive in this part of the world and in Willie Creek had a habit of leaving these incredible patterns in the sand.

AU0051 - Willie Creek Rainbow

AU0052 - Willie Creek Sands

So after a very welcome two weeks we decided it was time to move on.

Until next time! This post was copied from my site a site dedicated to my travel drone photography.