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Camping Oz 2017 - North Queensland

25th July 2017

A few days after leaving Daly Waters and the NT we arrived into Cairns in the north of Queensland.

I was excited to arrive because I knew this was going to be the destination where I ticked off one item from my bucket list; swim at the Great Barrier Reef.

me snorkellingme snorkelling

Before we went out to whats known as “The Outer Reef” we took a day trip to a nearby island called “Fitzroy Island”.

fitzroy isandfitzroy isand

It offered beautiful coral beaches, some great walks through the forest and of course some snorkelling on the reef just offshore.

Fitzroy was just the warmup for us however as a few days later we were out on the water again, this time heading an hour and a half out to the Great Barrier reef proper. Here the water visibility was much better showing off the spectacular corals and wildlife.

I as usual had an immense amount of fun practicing my freediving skills diving deep to the bottom of the ocean startling the scuba divers.

We stayed in Cairns for over a week just chilling out, enjoying the vibes and catching up with a number of jobs before proceeding one hour up the coast to the excellent Port Douglas.

Port Douglas is a lovely little sea side town that I could totally imagine retiring to. We spent 4 days there enjoying the sun and sea and of course taking plenty of photos.

While at Port Douglas we took a day trip up the cost a little to the rainforests of the Daintree. It wasn’t a particularly sunny day for us sadly but that didn’t stop me having fun taking some drone shots.

After Port Douglas we started to make our way back down the cost towards the seaside town of Townsville. We were there for a few days and decided to take a boat out to the beautiful nearby island; Magnetic Island.

While there we were lucky enough to see some of the natives in the wild:

And then it was time to move on again, this time heading into South Queensland… This post was copied from my site a site dedicated to my travel drone photography.