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Camping Oz 2017 - East Kimberly

5th June 2017

After the relaxing couple of weeks in Broome we were back on the road again. The original plan was to head along the Gibbs River road a 660 km long dirt road that has a number of beautiful stops at gorges along the way. We had done it once before in 2014 and enjoyed it so much that we wanted to do it again. This year however was one of the wettest wet season on record, the result is that the road has been closed much longer than usual and many of the gorges have been closed.

The result is that instead we decided to take the southern sealed road instead and see some other sights along the way. One of those sights was the impressive Wolfe Creek Crater.

Wolfe Creek CraterWolfe Creek Crater

This massive 880m wide crater was formed 300,000 years ago when a meteor smashed into the ground and is a seriously impressive sight. We camped near the crater that night but which was great but we were feeling a little nervous having watched the horror movie Wolf Creek the night before.

me handstand in wolfe creek craterme handstand in wolfe creek crater

After waking in the morning and taking a short hike down into the centre of the crater and back we hit the road once more, heading back to Halls Creek then heading east towards Kununurra.

Before reaching Kununurra tho we took a detour to spend a few days in the famous Bungle Bungles.

A bungle from the bungle bunglesA bungle from the bungle bungles

kelsie walking through the bungle bungleskelsie walking through the bungle bungles

Some beautiful walks and hot nights later we headed to our next major stop of Kununurra.

kununurra from abovekununurra from above

We spent a week camping at the Discovery Park in Kununurra, enjoying the beautiful campsite right on the water and caught up on some projects while taking advantage of their excellent camp facilities.

Me laptop on a bench in kununurraMe laptop on a bench in kununurra

Kununurra was a little repair stop for us too as at the previous stop of Bungle Bungles we had somehow managed to break one of the support legs and jockey wheel on our trailer.

trailer jockey wheeltrailer jockey wheel

While at Kununurra we made friends with an awesome Dutch couple who were travelling and working their way around Australia called Erick and Kirsten. They run a popular dutch travel blog Travelaar so if you understand dutch and are into travel you should definitely check them out!

Sadly we had to leave Kununurra after a week but didn’t have to travel too far down the road to the beautiful site of Lake Argyle.

Lake argyle hillsLake argyle hills

Lake Argyle really is a beautiful spot and I highly recommend visiting for anyone heading out this way. I personally enjoyed swimming in the surprisingly warm lake lake, taking some drone pictures and chilling out in the evening with a cold beer and the open air cinema.

They also have an awesome infinity pool that gives you a spectacular view over the lake.

the infinity pool at lake argylethe infinity pool at lake argyle

All in all we had an excellent time in West Kimberly and were sad to leave WA but if we wanted to get around Australia in 5 month then we had to move on, besides next up is somewhere I haven’t been to before and have been looking forward to seeing; the Northern Territory! This post was copied from my site a site dedicated to my travel drone photography.